
CATHOLIC, Non-Roman Western Style

Different Ways of Being/Doing Catholic…………………….


Christian Racism

Trump Has Broken Something in Me | Religion Dispatches

“I am left with a crisis. How do I continue to build bridges across racial divides with those who have demonstrated, in overwhelming numbers, that they will partner with a person endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan?”

via Watching 81% of My White Brothers and Sisters Vote For Trump Has Broken Something in Me | Religion Dispatches

Yolanda, yes, I, too, mourn. There is mourning to be done, mourning for the innocence (naivete) that allowed us to think that the Christian narrative made a great dent in overcoming white supremacist racism and gender-ism …narrative based on belief in a religious hierarchy of God-angels-humans-subhumans.

The response of Christians to the Holocaust, even that shock long ago, never resulted in serious denominational examination of the Christian narrative as one covertly supporting cultic hatred of those not like us.

If you see the point I am making here, that I am not trying to denigrate Christianity…but trying to salvage it for all the good it bears the world despite its human flaws…you might be interested in the book, NO ONE LEFT BEHIND, by Darrell Fasching. I highly recommend it as it addresses this issue in a clear and straightforward manner.

Thank you for your fine and honest article!

Blessings, dear sister, as we struggle each in our own denominations,
s. Lea

My America | Commonweal Magazine

Some quotes and questions about Catholicism and politics.

“Many… see in Donald Trump’s version of America a comforting affirmation of an order that seems to be slipping from their grasp.”

“The response to Trump from my conservative coreligionists has been—with a few exceptions—disappointing.”

“This disjointed response to Trump from the religious right should come as no surprise to anyone who has followed presidential politics for the past few decades.”

“The framing of our national political debate as a culture war over “intrinsic evils”—such as abortion and same-sex marriage—in which all other issues pale in importance has painted many religious conservatives into a corner”.

“Absolutism around abortion and (more recently) same-sex marriage has left a great many Christian leaders without adequate conceptual tools to grapple with the significance of Trump’s naked racial appeals.”

These quotes Do Not apply to our own beloved Catholic Church in America?

Quotes from Commonweal Magazine Article “My America”
by Eduardo M. Penalver
Full version:

via My America | Commonweal Magazine

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